
ThroBizz® was created when we tried to throw our dog’s favourite ball with a standard ball thrower and found that the ball would not fit into the throw cup.

Like many other dogs, Mackie the West Highland Terrier, had several different balls of different sizes, shapes and textures. We started working on a thrower that could throw pretty much anything, and that started us on the long journey to perfect the ThroBizz®. After numerous prototypes, re-engineering and robust discussions with the US Patent Office, we finally broke through. The revolutionary design incorporates unbreakable stainless steel springs that flex backwards and through 180 degrees, giving us a design that could pick up and throw virtually anything. We added a longer handle to get greater throwing distance that outperforms most other throwers. Our job was done, and our dog was happy.

But we didn’t stop there. We designed rubber balls and rubber objects that would bounce at random angles, replicating the experience dogs had of chasing smaller animals that don’t just run in a straight line, but jink and dart from time to time, requiring the dog to hone its sense of balance in changing direction as well as mental focus and engagement in being prepared to change direction.

ThroBizz® is available in three colours to complement any dog owner's colour scheme.